all postcodes in YO24 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO24 4AA 41 2 53.953632 -1.095592
YO24 4AB 51 5 53.953959 -1.095997
YO24 4AE 1 1 53.955276 -1.109943
YO24 4AF 10 0 53.954707 -1.09624
YO24 4AG 10 0 53.954873 -1.095611
YO24 4AH 10 0 53.954574 -1.095298
YO24 4AJ 12 0 53.95437 -1.095677
YO24 4AL 2 0 53.95419 -1.095711
YO24 4AP 21 0 53.953265 -1.096941
YO24 4AQ 10 0 53.954614 -1.095906
YO24 4AR 6 0 53.953551 -1.098002
YO24 4AS 12 0 53.954142 -1.096489
YO24 4AT 12 0 53.954314 -1.096684
YO24 4AU 10 0 53.954347 -1.096156
YO24 4AW 1 1 53.953932 -1.096043
YO24 4AX 10 0 53.954566 -1.096608
YO24 4AY 16 0 53.954524 -1.097082
YO24 4AZ 16 2 53.953801 -1.102562
YO24 4BA 12 0 53.953413 -1.101114
YO24 4BB 36 6 53.954038 -1.100551